What is Expected of Delivery People When There is Tornado Warning on Their Route?
A tornado is a rapidly rotating column of air extending from a thunderstorm to the surface of the Earth. The most violent tornadoes can cause severe destruction with wind speeds of up to 300 mph. Tornado can destroy large buildings, uproot trees and hurl vehicles hundred of yards. Tornadoes can drive straw in to trees.
What do delivery people do when there’s a tornado warning on their route?
A tornado warning means that tornado has been spotted in your route. Do not try to out run a tornado and don’t ever take shelter under an overpass. Overpass offers no protection from a tornado and not to be used as a sheltering area. According to Ohio Committee for Severe Weather Awearness (OCSWA):
Wind speeds in tornadoes can exceed 200 mph. The destructive winds produce airborne debris that are blown in to and channeled under the overpass where people might try to seek protection… A person can even be blown out or carried away from the overpass by the fierce tornado winds.
In addition, when driving on the road during a tornado, stay on your toes and know where your nearest rest stop or exit is. Just in case things get dicey. What you will do will depend on: your location, the tornado location, it speed, it’s direction of movement, the road options available to you, nearby buildings and the period of delayed traffic. These means many factors must be put into consideration before you can know what you will do.
These are what you must do to stay safe depending on the seriousness of the tornado:
- This is very dangerous option unless the traffic, time of the day and road options align in your advantage or favour. You may be able to drive out of the tornado path.
- Get off the road and park your vehicle. Know that stepping out of your vehicle sometime may expose you to the risk beyond your control such as tornado winds and debris flying through the air.
- Get off the road and run to a shelter. Motorists found truck stops, convenience stores, restaurants and other businesses to be adequate shelter when there’s tornado. Walk-in coolers can sometimes make a good shelter as well.
- If you can find a ditch or culvert running under the road way, make sure you run to it and make sure you are far away from any vehicle. Cover your head and neck with a blanket or coat.
Tornado picture
Finally, most importantly make sure you communicate with your family, dispatcher and other concerned people. Let them know what you are going through as a result of the tornado. This will relieve stress for everyone involved. Do not ever seek shelter under a bridge or overpass. Make sure you have a path to safety, be alert to threat of tornado activity wherever you are and wherever you are going.